After the first International Conference on Negative CO2 emissions in 2018 was a great success for knowledge sharing and collaboration initiatives, the community had to wait four years for the second event. All the more, the 275 participants of this year’s 2nd International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions in Gothenburg enjoyed the discussions and networking among scientists, companies, consultants and NGOs active in this field.
As the conference addressed the core topic of NEGEM, the event was a great opportunity for a number of NEGEM partners not only to present their work but also to finally gather and meet each other in person after two years of travel restrictions.
NEGEM members contributed to a variety of sessions with
- Selene Cobo (ETH Zurich) presenting the sustainability assessment of marine negative emission technologies from WP1 in the session “CC2: Technology Assessments”,
- Solene Chiquier (Imperial College London) reflecting on global cooperation based on WP7 work with MONET in one of the modelling sessions,
- Lucrezia Nava (Cambridge University) and David Reiner (Cambridge University) showing results from their WP5 evaluation of stakeholder perceptions of NETPs in session “CC1: Policy”,
- Constanze Werner (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) introducing the land- and calorie-neutral approach to biochar sequestration from WP3 in the session on biospheric storage in soils and
- Johanna Braun (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) presenting results from the WP3 analysis of NETP potentials constrained by planetary boundaries in the poster sessions.

Furthermore, the discussions inside and outside the plenary room were sparked and enriched by critical questions and constructive comments from Mark Preston (Bellona) and Samantha Tanzer (Bellona) (WP 6) as well as scientific committee member and NEGEM partner Fabian Levihn. In total, this broad involvement showed the scientific community and other stakeholders present at the conference how the NEGEM project is commited to identify realistic and responsible strategies for NETP deployment. The conference certainly demonstrated NEGEM’s standing in the field and opened doors for collaboration and synergies across projects.
To find out more about this event and NEGEM project contact