Visions and Pathways for CDR in the EU – NEGEM final event

18 April 2024, 9.30-16.40  

SQUARE Brussels
Mont des Arts, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Entrance Coudenberg 3, Room The Arc

This event will discuss about the realistic potentials and the responsible pathways for the deployment of Carbon Dioxide Removal technologies and practices, as effective measures to supplement emissions reduction, in the EU’s strategy towards climate neutrality by 2050. 

Important information for your participation: we have a new venue! The event will take place at Square Brussels Convention Centre, Entrance Coudenberg 3, Room The Arc, Mont des Arts, Brussels.

In the morning session you will listen to keynote speeches from leading science and policy experts, about the role of CDR in the EU’s climate targets and strategies. Scientists from three ongoing Horizon 2020 projects NEGEM, OCEANNETs and LANDMARC will present the key results about the challenges to scale up CDR, environmental assessments, case studies, social acceptance, as well as deployment scenarios and Member States CDR portfolios. 

After the networking lunch, the policy session and debate with the audience will delve into how to commercialize CDR and how to formulate policies and governance structures to support the responsible deployment of CDR for the EU 2040 climate targets.   

The event is in-person only, participation is free of charge upon registration.  


9.00 Welcoming of participants and registration

9.30 – Realistic CDR potential and implementation

Welcome message and opening of the event – Kati Koponen, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland

Science keynote: Why we need CDR – Steve Smith, State of CDR report, Oxford Net Zero

Policy keynote: EU 2040 targets and the role of CDR – Fabien Ramos EC DG CLIMA

Challenges for scaling up CDR methods – environmental and social aspects

  • NEGEM results on environmental impacts of CDR methods – Constanze Werner, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
  • OceanNETS results on ocean-based CDR – David Keller, GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung
  • Landmarc results from earth observations, carbon farming case studies – Eise Spijker, JIN Climate and Sustainability
  • Social license to operate for CDR David Reiner, Cambridge University, Goda Perlaviciute, University of Groningen


11.30Coffee break

11.50 – Scenario modelling for carbon neutrality, role of CDR

  • Keynote speech: The role of negative emissions in clean energy transitions – Ilkka Hannula, IEA
  • NEGEM 1.5°C mitigation scenario results for Europe – Tiina Koljonen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • Multi-dimensional analysis of negative emission technologies and practices – Mai Bui, Imperial College London


12.40 – Networking lunch

13.30 – Policies and governance structures to support a responsible deployment of CDR

Key policy messages from the three Horizon 2020 projects

  • NEGEM: Climate policy frameworks for CDR – Allanah Paul, Bellona Europa and Fabiola de Simone, Carbon Market Watch
  • LANDMARC: Observations on carbon farming, MRV and finance, Eise Spijker, JIN Climate & Sustainability
  • OCEANNETS: Policy issues of ocean-based CDR methods – Wilfried Rickels, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Barbara Neumann, Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam.

14.30 – How to commercialize CDR

  • Results from NEGEM studies on market mechanisms – Myles Allen, Oxford University
  • Comments & facilitated discussions with NEGEM industrial partners – Fabien Levihn – Stockholm Exergi, Kirsi Tiusanen – ST1, Matthew Borghi – Drax  


15.30 – Coffee break

Panel discussion: How to formulate policies and governance structures to support responsible deployment of CDR for the EU 2040 climate targets?

Moderated by Mark Preston Aragonès – Bellona Europa


  • Ulriikka Aarnio, CAN-Europe  
  • Duncan McLaren, UCLA  
  • Valeria Forlin, EC DG Clima 
  • To be announced

16.50 – Wrap up and conclusions

17.00 End of day and networking time

More News

NEGEM Final Event Summary

The final event of NEGEM project Visions and Pathways for Carbon Dioxide Removal in the EU took place at the Square Brussels Convention Centre on

Assessment of global theoretical CDR potentials

The goal of net-zero emissions aligns with the Paris Agreement, requiring a combination of reducing emissions and using Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) techniques. However, skepticism