We are glad to share with you the latest news from NEGEM project, a Research and Innovation Action funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Programme, to assess the realistic potential of Negative Emission Technologies and Practices (NETPs) and their contribution to climate neutrality, as a supplementary strategy to emissions mitigation.

Join the CDR conversation at the NEGEM final event  

Explore insights from the NEGEM project alongside sister projects LANDMARC and OCEANNETS, at our final event. We'll discuss deployment strategies, policy frameworks, responsible implementation, commercialization, social license to operate, and other critical CDR aspects.  Check the agenda below and register now. 
Agenda and registration


This report presents a vision for contributing to climate goals with Negative Emission Technologies and Practices (NETPs), summarizing and integrating NEGEM project findings and results up to January 2024. Developed through collaboration with diverse stakeholders, it outlines a realistic path for NETPs to contribute to the Paris Agreement while respecting planetary limits, and provides insight for policymakers, industrial stakeholders, and scientific community
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This report summarizes the most relevant impacts identified for a range of NETPs and their interlinkages with Sustainable Development Goals. It highlights the relevance of impacts from land-based NETPs, as these were found to have the strongest interconnections with biosphere integrity, through a summary of quantifications for responsible potentials, additional quantifications of land- and calorie-neutral biochar sequestration potentials, and literature search on exploitable biomass side streams and corresponding BECCS potentials. 
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This study  investigated the public acceptance of NETPs by surveying over 6800 citizens in different European countries, assessing the the public perception of factors such as environmental impacts, fairness, responsibility, and national capacity of implementing two different types of NETPs, namely Afforestation and Reforestation (AR) as a nature-based solution, and Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS) as a technology-based solution. 

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