We are glad to share with you the latest news from NEGEM project, a Research and Innovation Action funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Programme, to assess the realistic potential of Negative Emission Technologies and Practices (NETPs) and their contribution to climate neutrality, as a supplementary strategy to emissions mitigation. 
The final event of NEGEM was held last April in Brussels.  The event presented the results of the project and the activities of the sister projects LANDMARC and OceanNETs. Speakers and participants from a wide range of research organizations, academia, NGOs, industries and European institutions, discussed about the realistic potential and responsible deployment of Carbon Dioxide Removal technologies and practices. Click below for an event summary, slides and recordings of the presentations. 
Summary slides and recordings
Developed by NEGEM partners Bellona Europa and Carbon Market Watch, through expert consultations within the NEGEM consortium and literature review, these six factsheets aim to describe the CDR technologies and practices that were most intensely studied within NEGEM, indicating sustainable potentials, advantages, and caveats
Go to factsheets
In the last four years NEGEM has published a multitude of outputs including reports, publications, datasets and other tools. This database lets you explore all our resources. Check out also our Results page and the Zenodo repository.  
Go to Database

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